Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The secrets of potty training for your puppy

Welcome to my dog training classes blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to conduct dog training classes.

The secrets of potty training for your puppy

Many people who have brought a very young puppy to their homes know what great moments the family can cherish with such a toy-pet. But, in order for everything to be really perfect, you may need to learn a few things about potty training for your puppy. First of all, we need to mention that potty training for your puppy proves completely effective around six months of age. With very young dogs, you cannot expect control over bladder and bowels. Therefore the first tip to learn potty training for your puppy is to keep it off carpets into a special enclosed area.

Then, potty training for your puppy requires that you make up your mind where you’re going to apply it: indoors, outdoors or both. The best idea is to teach your dog to let you know when it’s got an urge. Start potty training for your puppy by taking it in a leash to the corner you’ve prepared for it; do this after every meal, and you’ll drastically reduce the risk of ‘accidents’ on your floor. Another tip to use when potty training for your puppy is to try and feed it on dry dog food as this gives consistency to the stool.

What about the water you give it? Potty training for your puppy may prove a little difficult since young dogs need lots of liquid for their growing process. Leave a bowl with fresh water all day long for it to drink but remove it two hours before bedtime. This is part of the potty training for your puppy, as there will be less peeing over night. Taking the puppy out should be the first thing you do in the morning and the last one in the evening.

All the family members should be involved in potty training for your puppy, since no one can stay all day long around the house, making sure the puppy potties in the right place. Be patient with your pet as potty training for your puppy may be quite challenging, sometimes even the dog’s breed has a word to say in the receptiveness to training. If you don’t want to bother with potty training for your puppy, then you can buy an older dog that has already been potty trained. Or there is always the option of adopting an adult pet from the many rescue centers.

The secrets of potty training for your puppy

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How To Train A Dog Quickly

Welcome to my dog training classes blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to conduct dog training classes.

How to train a dog quickly

Many dog owners are in search of a rapid answer to how to train a dog quickly. For such an urging necessity there are not too many answers, since by “quickly” we don’t mean hours or days but at least a couple of weeks. If you’re wondering how to train a dog quickly you probably also need to know that it is absolutely necessary to practice with the dog as much as possible for the skills to actually develop. Otherwise, training may prove highly ineffectively. Those who want to find out how to train a dog quickly should first turn to special training centers.

Daily intensive practice is the first rule when you learn how to train a dog quickly. For instance, you need to get the dog’s attention that is to establish eye contact with it. Use a piece of meat out of the dog’s reach, reward the animal only when it responds to the name or the stimulus and looks at you. If you really want to learn how to train a dog quickly, you need to set the rules and make the dog play by them all the time. You’ll have to spend constant periods of time together applying the newly-learned stuff.

Don’t insist if the dog shows signs of fatigue, there’s no need to exhaust the dog as learning under such circumstances is ineffective. It may even be detrimental to insist to train a dog quickly. Don’t forget that there are lots of guide books and videos on how to train a dog quickly, and they all mention the need to do everything in the most relaxed way possible, so that neither you nor the animal feel pressure of any kind. It should take at least a week before a skill is developed and only with continuous exercise it will become permanent.

For those who want to learn how to train a dog quickly the following site may be of great help. http://dog---breeders.blogspot.com enables you to find out how to make your life easier with an obedient and reliable pet. Therefore, the question how to train a dog quickly is no longer an issue, once you learn the best way to trigger correct responses from your pet. You can choose to train your dog at home or in a special center, but whichever be the approach, you’ll have to be an active part involved. Have fun!

How To Train A Dog Quickly

Beyond Basic Dog Training

Welcome to my dog training classes blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to conduct dog training classes.

Beyond Basic Dog Training

Obedience instruction has become more accessible to common people with the publication of the Diane Bauman’s guide Beyond Basic Dog Training. This book is a door open towards the secrets of an entire training philosophy, and it has been successfully used even for the preparation for canine competitions. Beyond Basic Dog Training helps you understand the principles and patterns on which dogs learn, which is in fact a dual system of trial and error. With Beyond Basic Dog Training you will learn to apply corrections in a positive way, teaching your canine friend not to fear failure.

As Diane Bauman proves in Beyond Basic Dog Training, for a successful program you have to understand that from the two elements involved in the equation, both are thinking. There is the “thinking handler” in charge of the “thinking dog”, so don’t ignore you’re pet’s “feelings”, on the contrary stick to an effective development of the communication level. With Beyond Basic Dog Training you will come to achieve more than obedient behavioral patterns, you will understand your dog and learn to respect and listen to its needs. We’re talking about security, trust and confidence and lots of fun too.

With a guide such as Beyond Basic Dog Training you can have fun entertaining classes with your dog in the comfort of your backyard. At least you’re 100% sure of the methods used, since you are in perfect trust. With Beyond Basic Dog Training you’ll turn your dog into a great companion; therefore it is very good for puppies to benefit from a fast and very humane way of teaching. It is perhaps the time now to answer a simple question: why would anyone go beyond basic dog training? Simple methods will only leave the training process at a minimal level exploiting the specific animal drives as much as possible.

Going beyond basic dog training, means getting to understand the more complex structures that make your dog what it really is; you come to appreciate a wagging tail more than you would have done before. Books such as Beyond Basic Dog Training may prove to be the right choice and the best source of information for strengthening man-animal friendship. Being able to see your dog succeed in performing complex tasks is the reward of every owner and amateur trainer. For other insightful sources, feel free to have a look at sites such as http://dog---breeders.blogspot.com. May all your efforts be fruitful!

Beyond Basic Dog Training

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dog Training System Review

Welcome to my dog training classes blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to conduct dog training classes.

Dog Training System Review
There are so many books,systems,manuals,step-by-step guides talking about dog training.Most of them are not worth the investment of time and money.After years of searching i recently came across a super dog training system that has not only made dog training for me a success after success but also very enjoyable.The dog training book is the easiest to use and effective i have come across so far.The dog training manual includes 3 pdf training modules worth $127 just for free,you will also get three recipe books for your dog,a manual on how to clear bad breath for dogs and an ABC practical guide to dog training,you will also get a schedule helper and an equipment checklist.
If you are serious about dog training then you cant afford to miss this.Not yet sure?click free bonuses to get hold of your system today.This will actually change your overall experience in dog training.

Dog Training System

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dog Health Information

Welcome to my dog training classes blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to conduct dog training classes.

Dog health information

Having a pet implies an assumed responsibility: you are going to provide for the animal and look after it. Therefore, it is more than sure you will need lots of dog health information, regardless of whether you’ve got a puppy or an adult dog. Fortunately there are very many sources that you may turn to for dog health information and the first one to try is the vet or the breeder. Mention should be made that sometimes dog health information is different according to breed specificity: there may be very vigorous breeds, but there are also some weaker ones that require extra care.

Dog health information is one click away if you choose to surf the net for the details you need on how to raise a dog. If you take a puppy from a professional breeder for instance, make sure you get all the dog health information necessary for the future: vaccination and de-worming as well as any specific dysfunctions or weaknesses. All dog health information should be included in the contract you sign with the dog breeder, where you also have the pedigree warranty. Many buyers choose to have the dog health information provided by the breeder checked by a vet.

Thus, it is not uncommon practice to take the vet with you and have him or her examine the puppy before you buy it. Very detailed dog health information is crucial when it comes to breeding and raising pure pedigree and future champions. Anyone who would pay a few hundred if not thousands dollars on a pet would like to have a medical evaluation of the animal. But, getting back to regular dog owners, quick access to dog health information is very important when you care enough to provide what’s best for your pet. For instance, little do people know that processed food is not the ideal dog meal.

Specialized magazines, professional sites such as dog health information, dog raising guides and so on, all provide very comprehensive dog health information. If every dog owner had at least the general picture of what it is good for the dog, neglect would be no longer such an issue. Many of those who volunteer for home fostering dogs from rescue centres use the knowledge and the dog health information any dog owner should have. Therefore, with every visit you make to the vet, try to get even more dog health information for your friend’s sake.

Dog Health Information

Monday, October 20, 2008

Puppy House Training

Welcome to my dog training classes blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to conduct dog training classes.

Puppy house training

Taking a puppy to your home is a big responsibility since you have to meet all the animal’s health needs and provide a loving environment. In the first month of accommodation, that may also be the first in your pet’s life, puppy house training is essential. What does puppy house training imply? First of all, as you may expect to potty train it, then you have to make sure it socializes well and is perfectly safe to leave alone in the house. This means puppy house training prevents any form of disruptive behavior and separation anxiety.

Puppy house training will teach your dog that it has to be alone from time to time. How can you avoid any nasty behavior in your absence? At the beginning of puppy house training that shouldn’t be too difficult at all. You may leave the dog in an isolated area of the house, in some sort of confinement. Don’t feel sorry for the pup as it will spend most of the time sleeping. Later when you continue puppy house training again, so make sure the dog has something to do when you leave for work, like playing with a toy or eating.

Frequent walks, particularly after meals are also an essential part of the puppy house training. Taking the pet in areas where it can come into contact with other people and even dogs is a good idea for the development of social behavior. Dog owners who don’t make time to take care of the puppy house training are very likely to have an unsocial friend with unexpected reactions. Sooner or later they would have to ask for the help of a professional trainer or would even give up the dog.

Last but not least, puppy house training is part of the family program. The training part is not limited to one family member, since the dog has to learn to obey commands in a general manner. For instance the “sit” and “down” orders are basic and puppy house training can use them when the animal is at least several months old. With very young dogs, puppy house training is somehow restricted to the potty and the food routine. This is also the time to shower lots of love on your friend and prove how important it is to the family. Positive puppy house training is probably the most effective methods of our time, so have a go!

Puppy House Training

Friday, October 10, 2008

Dog Obedience Training

Welcome to my dog training classes blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to conduct dog training classes.

Dog Obedience Training

Dog behavior training is more than making your dog all obedient and save to leave home alone,process it too complex to reduce it to this.Since dog owners have to be an active part involved in dog behavior training,they come to learn the unexpressed parts of their pets.In a nutshell,dog behavior training,is about getting an obedient animal around the house while also getting more familiar with the needs of a close friend that doesn't speak the same language.You should be ready to learn about the drives behind your dog's behavior.

The drives or instincts that make your animal react in a certain way to specific stimuli are the main focus of dog training behavior.The explanation of low sociability may be rooted in the animal's genes or in it's close environment, once you get to manipulate this drives by dog behavior training,spectacular changes are not short to appear.Therefore special institutions and centers that provide assistance for dog behavior training have scientific background of tests and studies about the nature and flexibility of the canine drives.

Probably the most significant part of dog training behavior lies in understanding the way you can encourage or discourage certain drives,and the skills of a trainer are best reflected here.The main instincts that are targeted by dog behavior training are: prey,play,pack,defense and food.The order is not relevant for their importance,since each plays an important part of in the dog's life determining the relationships with their masters and with other dogs.However,mention should be made that the domination of an instinct varies from one breed to another,and dog behavior training also tackles with breed specificity in the context.

Many people are surprised to learn that dog behavior training implies teaching the animal how to play.This special drive seems to be the one that is not inherent to the genetic structure of your pet.In order to learn how to jump and wrestle it is essential that the owners help the puppy acquire skills,normally the would be the responsibility of the mother and the brothers as its true pack,but in their absence,you need to do it.The educational side is as essential part of dog training,since it actually shapes the future relationship you develop with your pet in the future.
This is just a drop in the ocean,more details are available for free here.

Dog Obedience Training

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dog Training Classes

Welcome to my dog training classes blog.Here you will learn about taking care of dogs and tips on how to conduct dog training classes.